Research Services

EKU Archives and Special Collections offers fee-based research services. All services are subject to use terms and payment agreements. Please choose the appropriate service for your needs and submit the accompaning online request form:
Duplication Form

Submit this form to request copies of audio, video, images, books and manuscripts. Fees are determined by use and state residency. More information about use fees can be found here.  

Family File Request Form

Submit this form to request copies of family files. EKU Special collections and Archives keeps on hand a number of accumulated files for families in Madison County and the surrounding region. A predetermined fee based on the number of pages copied will be applicable.  

Research Request Form

Special Collections and Archives can provide limited research services for a fee for off-site patrons. The charge is $30/hour (non-refundable, paid in advance), for a limit of two hours . Please keep in mind that Special Collections and Archives staff cannot draw conclusions for you and that we cannot guarantee that the research we do will find the answers you want; not all research efforts are successful.  You will still be responsible for paying for our research time.